Design Thoughts

Daybreak Cohousing - One year later

Mike and I spent the weekend at Daybreak- it was a great chance to see how the buildings are weathering and what is working/not working for the residents. Each time I visit Daybreak it feels like I'm coming home. And each time I leave, I look forward to my next visit.

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The Build-Out of Capitol Hill . . . ?

. . . . . certain developers understand that maximizing height (and therefore building area) is not always the preferred action, and go so far as to restore, re-purpose, and rehabilitate buildings (as opposed to tear down to rebuild); or, neither do they do the similar oftentimes deleterious option of plopping three to four stories of graceless new construction on top of a one or two story historic property . . . .

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Capitol Hill's first TOD project - open 6 years in advance of Broadway Station

Today was the grand re-opening of Holiday Apartments, an affordable housing project owned/managed by Capitol Hill Housing (CHH).

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