Mike and I spent the weekend at Daybreak- it was a great chance to see how the buildings are weathering and what is working/not working for the residents. Each time I visit Daybreak it feels like I'm coming home. And each time I leave, I look forward to my next visit.
Read MoreDesign Thoughts
Nagle Place Extension (NPE) Workshop
How big will be the new Nagle Place Extension?
Read MoreThe Build-Out of Capitol Hill . . . ?
. . . . . certain developers understand that maximizing height (and therefore building area) is not always the preferred action, and go so far as to restore, re-purpose, and rehabilitate buildings (as opposed to tear down to rebuild); or, neither do they do the similar oftentimes deleterious option of plopping three to four stories of graceless new construction on top of a one or two story historic property . . . .
Read MoreArchitecture on Capitol Hill, Seattle
The idea is to analyze them, with an eye towards what lessons can be learned as we (developers, architects, activists, and the city amongst others) move forward with new projects.
Read MoreCapitol Hill's first TOD project - open 6 years in advance of Broadway Station
Today was the grand re-opening of Holiday Apartments, an affordable housing project owned/managed by Capitol Hill Housing (CHH).
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