The Old Farmer's Almanac is currently the oldest continually published periodical in the United States. Its first issue came out in 1792. Many from generations prior would say they lived by it, and some still do. Topping out at 4 million distributed this year, it seems to still exist as more than a kitschy historical item. If so, I wonder if it predicted the unending Seattle summer this year? Were there clues in its depths to the surprising warmth and lack of rain - the people outside from dawn to dusk celebrating? Did the almanac's foreknowledge motivate a great urge to be outside, or was it a spur of the moment decision, the sun just too irresistible?
Whatever it was, the Schemata team thrived in it. We traveled, we celebrated, we connected with each other and family and friends and nature. We explored every corner of Washington, and then ventured further into the Pacific Northwest, and the south, and the east. Some of us made treks across new countries, others found little known areas to play near home.
I searched for a quote that could sum up all of our travel experiences. I had hoped there would be one philosophical, all-encompassing statement but I found that each individual story, told through the pictures they brought back, was just too interesting to be looped in with the rest.
Orcas Island- Mira
Bridal Veil Falls- Will
Victoria- Mike, Grace, & Ella
Chicago- Mike, Grace, & Ella
Chicago- Mike & Grace
Chicago- Mike & Grace
Quebec- Mira
New York- Mira
Maui- Christopher
Maui- Christopher
Latvian Countryside- Christopher
Lithuania- Christopher
Lithuania- Christopher
Paris- Kurt
Paris- Kurt
Florence- Kurt
Florence- Kurt