Project Spotlight: School Based Health Centers

This is the story of two SBHCs, both in existing spaces at both Lowell Elementary and NOVA at Mann High School, to replace temporary centers that Schemata had also designed. Both SBHCs expand the services offered to students, their families, and faculty.

The Lowell Elementary SHBC

The Lowell SHBC is the direct outcome of outreach to the school administration and PTA to see how our Capitol Hill EcoDistrict (CHED) Steering Committee (SC) could best advocate and make a positive difference in the lives or the students and their families at the school. The concept of an EcoDistrict is a comprehensive approach to addressing Equity, Resilience, and Climate Protection, and the Capitol Hill neighborhood we call home was certified under this rigorous protocol in 2022. For the Lowell SBHC, the SC invited PTA and school leadership to share their challenges, eventually leading to connecting the school with funders, operators, and the Seattle School District to coordinate this effort. Schemata Workshop provided initial conceptual design and cost estimating which led to an RFP issued by the District, and were selected in a competitive qualifications and interview process.

This past year, we collaborated closely with Community Roots Housing, Country Doctor Community Health Centers and Odessa Brown Clinic to renovate existing classroom space at Lowell ES, and a separate project to build-out a permanent SBHC at NOVA at Mann HS.

At Lowell Elementary, we collaborated with Community Roots Housing to define the program scope, develop concept designs, and perform a feasibility analysis. The design was inspired by Lowell Elementary School’s values and culture of inclusivity, and includes a reception area, a large meeting room, and two examination rooms, as well as spaces delegated to healthcare providers and the social work professionals. This expanded SBHC provides students, their families and faculty easy access to affordable, conveniently located health care providers. The center also provides translation services for patients for whom English is their second language.

NOVA@Mann High School SBHC

Schemata designed both the temporary space, and the permanent  Nova Wellness Center at NOVA@Mann HS with a program similar to the Lowell SBHC, but customized based on input from students and faculty. The NOVA SBHC includes a reception area, multiple office spaces, examination rooms,  blood draw & Lab, and a group therapy room and resting space.The NOVA Wellness Center offers no cost comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender affirming care, provided to students at the school.